FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


License and purchase.

Q: I have a computer at home and one at work. Can i use CDRoller on the both computers if i purchase Personal License?
A: Yes, if you purchase Personal License, you can install and use CDRoller on all of your computers, including laptops. Just do not transfer your license key to another person.

Q: How can I license CDRoller?
A: The fastest way to license CDRoller is to use the online registration form, and pay with your credit card. Orders are handled via secure connection, and you can receive a personal license key immediately after ordering.

Q: I don't have a credit card, or don't want to use it. Can I still license?
A: Yes, some other ways are available, too. You can also order CDRoller by PayPal, Phone, Fax, Check or Bank/Wire Transfer.

Q: Do you offer a volume discounts?
A: Yes, we offer great quantity discounts if you purchase 2 or more licenses at once.

Q: I'm a registered user. How I can upgrade CDRoller?
A: Please review our upgrade policy.

Q: I need to re-install CDRoller, but I have lost my license key. Could you send me a license key again?
A: Yes, of course! Just send your message and we'll send you a personal license key again.

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Money Back Guarantee.

Q: What are the details of the Money Back Guarantee on CDRoller?
A: If CDRoller cannot recover your data, please contact us. Working with you, we solve your problem or refund your money. Please review our refund policy.

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Installation / Uninstallation.

Q: Can I use CDRoller without being an expert?
A: CDRoller is simple to use. Anyone able to create a CD or DVD can use CDRoller to recover files which might otherwise be lost.

Q: How can I uninstall CDRoller?
A: Just follow easy-to-use install / uninstall guidelines.

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CDRoller on Mac.

Q: I have a Mac, will it work? No luck with finding something like this for mac OS.
A: CDRoller is a Windows software. However, some our users were able to install and run CDRoller on Mac Pro with Parallels Desktop running Windows XP inside Mac environment.

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Windows ejects the inserted disc.

Q: If I want to give my dvd to CDRoller, the windows explorer starts and ejects the dvd before CDRoller can process it. How can I prevent this?
A: Please run CDRoller without any disc inserted, check Lock CD/DVD drive box under CDRoller - Start Window, click the OK button, wait for the main program window, and then insert your disc again.

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Opening CDRoller.

Q: My drive cannot see the inserted disc. No any analysis from the side of CDRoller.
A: If your computer drive does not recognize a disc, this is not a "software" problem and cannot be cured by software. The drive independently decides if the disc is valid. The solution is to try a different drive.

Q: After i have inserted a disc into the drive, the program seems to hang my system. Any suggestions?
A: 1. Perhaps, your drive can not support some special methods to recognize unreadable disk. Please try the following way:
- Remove the disk(s) from the drive(s) and start CDRoller again (without any disks inserted).
- Click the Preferences from the View menu. Uncheck Always use a drive capabilities and Detect disc insertion by Windows boxes under the Browser tab in the Preferences dialog. Click the OK button to close the Preferences.
- Insert your disc into the drive and wait for the end of disc reading processed by another CD/DVD/BD related program after the disc insertion.
- Click the Refresh button in the Tool Bar.
2. Under Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/8.1, please select SPTD interface under the Browser tab in the program Preferences and try to read your disc again. Separately, please try to Set Exclusive Access under the Browser tab in order to avoid a conflict with "malicious" filter drivers that can be installed by 3-rd party software.

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Reading UDF Discs.

Q: I have a disk that was written to be used with a UDF reader... but can't use it now. Will your program run it? Under Windows 7.
A: Certainly, we assisted many customers around the world in the similar situations. Since CDRoller has a built-in UDF reader, there is no need to search and install 3-rd party software (UDF drivers) in order to read UDF discs under Windows 7. To test whether your old UDF disc is readable or not, please try a free trial version of CDRoller. Also, you can always receive a prompt technical assistance.

Q: I am trying to double click on CD/DVD name in the List Window, but i get the message about "corrupted root folder". Is there any chance to read the disc data?
A: The root folder on your disc seems to be unreadable (corrupted). At first, if your disc looks like multisession one, please try Session Selector in order to retrieve the data from previous session(s). If your UDF disc is write-once media (CD-R/DVD-R/DVD+R/DVD+R DL), try Search All VATs option in order to find and retrieve the files from the previous "backups". Often, this is useful if your disc was created and unfinalized by Adaptec (Roxio) DirectCD (Drag-To-Disc) software. Finally, in order to find and recover the lost files on all UDF discs, we recommend you to use Scan UDF Disc option from the Tools menu.

Q: I burnt my DVD in several stages with Roxio Easy Creator Classic 6. However, only the files from the first backup (session) seems to be shown. Why? How i can see the files from the second, third, ... backup (session)?
A: If you have not changed the default settings in the Project Properties, Easy Creator Classic (EZ Classic) writes the both UDF and ISO (Joliet) file systems on the DVD discs. Unfortunately, probably due to the bug, EZ Classic hides a new files in UDF folders, but always shows them in ISO/Joliet ones. A solution is the following:
- Run CDRoller without any discs inserted.
- Click the Preferences from the View menu and check Read only ISO 9660 tracks box under the Browser tab in the Preferences dialog. Click the OK button to close the Preferences.
- Insert the DVD into the drive and click the Refresh button in the Tool Bar. Now, only ISO/Joliet files and folders will be shown.
- If the disc contains a several sessions, use the built-in Session Selector.

Q: I have detected that CDRoller is not able to recognise (identify) my UDF disk inserted into CD-ROM drive (cd reader). However, if i insert the disk into CD-RW drive (cd writer), all files seem to be visible and i can also run Scan UDF Disc to look for the deleted (lost) files. Why?
A: Since UDF disks are written with so-called "packet-written" technology, some old CD-ROM drives can not recognise them at all. Also, if your CD is damaged, incorrectly closed or very poorly written you may also run into the problem that some readers can access to more CD/DVD data than others. In case of big problem, please try a few CD / DVD drives, ask your friends and/or colleagues to run CDRoller on their drives. You often have more success in cd data recovery, if you use CD(DVD)-RW recorders ("cd or dvd writers") instead of CD(DVD)-ROM drives ("cd or dvd readers").

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Using Session Selector.

Q: I have copied back up files to a CDR in the several stages, but the last time I backed up, I was only able to see the most recent batch of files. The others seem to have disappeared... I presume they are still there on the CD but "hidden" in some way - may be a different volume ?
Q: I am trying to recover some data from a CD. Using CDRoller, I can now at least see (and access) some of the files on it. However, it seems like many files are still missing. However, I ran the "Test CD Media" and can see that there are several tracks with varying amounts of data on each of them. Is there a way to access each of these tracks independently to recover my data?
A: Please try Session Selector built in CDRoller. Your CD seems to contain more than one session. In CDRoller 5, in order to select a new session, you should right click on CD name in the List Window and use 'Session' command from pop-up (context) menu. You can also select a disc first and then use 'Session' command from File menu. Beginning on CDRoller 6.0, a list of available sessions is simply displayed in the main program window. Just click a new item with 'Disc Session' type to select a new session. By default, CDRoller manages folders and files from the last session, placed on the disc. Using Session Selector, you can access to the data of all sessions recorded on CD or DVD.

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Unable to open recovered files.

Q: After recovering the pictures (JPEG files) I cannot view any of them. I tried using Picasa, Windows Photo Gallery, paint, and Irfanview. Could it be that the recovery failed?
A: If you're our customer (registered user), please do not hesitate to contact us in order to receive a prompt assistance. Otherwise, are you sure you've got a legal version of CDRoller ...? Please read about the reasons why you shouldn't be using a pirate copy of CDRoller.

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How to finalize mini DVD without camcorder.

Q: My DVD camcorder is now broken. I have a lot of non-finalized DVD-Rs with my family videos. Can your software finalize these discs?
A: CDRoller offers an alternative solution. Please read this article for more details.

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How to recover DVD movies transferred from old VHS tapes.

Q: I've been transferring my VHS collection since 2003 and the machines I used in this era were the Panasonic E20s. A few of the discs may not have been finalized and when I put them in a Panasonic recorder, they aren't recognized. Can your software help me to read these discs?
A: CDRoller has already assisted many people in the similar situations. Please read this article for more details.

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How to play VOB video files.

Q: When i try to play the recovered VOB file with Windows Media Player, i can watch only 10 seconds of video. Please help.
A: Your problem seems to be a typical when you use native Windows player. Please read this article for the best possible solution.

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Extracting files from QIC backup.

Q: Used your trial to see if it would recover my *.QIC backed up files. A report said that they were 100% readable, but could you tell me if your program can recover the original files from the backup?
A: A .QIC file is a backup file written by the program built in Windows 95/98/ME. Unfortunately, data sets generated by Windows 95/98/ME backup software are not compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. We can assist you to extract files from *.QIC backup, but this requires some additional steps beyond the regular ("standard") version of CDRoller. For inquiry, please contact us.

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Retrieving the photos from mini discs created by Sony Mavica CD cameras.

Q: I have tried using the software to open a mini Cd that I took picture on with my Sony Mavica CD camera. Do you have any suggestions on how I can open and save the pictures on the CD?
Q: I have a Mavica photo disk that is damaged, it contains very important pictures, and I'm DEVASTATED! Please give me a few simple hints on how to get started.
A: In order to read the troubled and/or non-finalized Sony Mavica discs, we highly recommend you to use CD (DVD)-RW drive ("cd or dvd writer") - old CD/DVD-ROM drives ("cd/dvd readers") may not access to the lost data. Please follow the instructions from the Chapter 6.8 in User's Manual or use Online Help, trying Sony Mavica(O) and Sony Mavica CD from the forced scan list.

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Using CDRoller for engineering purposes.

Q: I'd like to make an analysis of some CD sectors at low level. What option of CDRoller do you recommend for engineering purposes?
A: Examine Sectors, certainly. You can apply this option to the whole track, separate sectors or selected file. Moreover, Examine Sectors supports external hex editors for detailed analysis of sectors data. For example, WinHex, Hex Workshop, HxD, etc.

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Lame MP3 audio encoder under Windows 10.

Q: What Lame MP3 encoder for extraction of audio CD do I have to use under Windows 10?
A: The most reliable way seems to be the following:
- Install a free K-Lite Codec Pack. This package includes the Lame MP3 encoder by default.
- Click Preferences button and select Windows ACM encoder with Lame MP3 in the Options under Audio Extraction tab.
- Use Recover Selected or simply drag the selected audio track(s) and get the MP3 file(s).

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Miscellaneous Questions.

Q: I have just purchased CDRoller, and though i have identified the missing files, i cannot do anything with them, i.e open and copy to a HDD. Are there instructions?
A: First, please make sure you have registered CDRoller with the help of your license key. Please select Help/About option and look at the 'About' dialog. Do you see the '(Registered)' after the version number? If the problem still exists, please consult our Support Dept.

Q: Why do you use temporary storage on HDD to perform a different operations such as: Folders and Files Copying, Files Execution, etc.?
A: Using a temporary storage and temporary files on HDD to perform commands as mentioned above is one of our methods to manage the disc contents safely and with maximum reliability. Since damaged areas can occur on your disc, an attempts of direct copying, opening or executing files and folders may result in loss of data already exist on HDD or even to stop the program responding. To prevent these problems all operations mentioned above and also Digital Audio Extraction use a temporary storage and (or) create a temporary files on HDD. Note. When you close CDRoller, the program automatically cleans out all temporary folders and delete all temporary files.

Q: Size of my CD is 424 MBytes, it contains 177 folders and 1840 files. I've found size of created CD image is about 32 kBytes. Why?
A: CDRoller creates Short CD/DVD Image as a file that contains ALL DIRECTORY STRUCTURE (directory tree) of your CD or DVD including complete folders and files names with attributes. This enables you to browse through the folders, search for the files or/and folders which you need (with the help of 'Find' option), detect the prorerties of them using 'Properties' command, but in order to retrieve any file, you should insert a "real" disc. When you insert a disc that has the image that has been created before, CDRoller determines this image as a "mirror" of the real CD or DVD, displays it with an appropriate icon in the List window and further, utilizes image to access to any folder quickly without reading the directory structure on the disk really inserted. This is an extremely useful if your "real" CD (DVD) has become a disc with unreadable folder(s) and, therefore you can not access to its files.

Q: I've found the text file, which was necessary in my collection of CD images. How can I open it ?
A: At first you should be sure that "Open command" option is checked on the CD/DVD Library tab in the Preferences dialog, then you can simply double click on file's name or on it's icon. Further, you'll be prompted to insert a REAL DISC if your CD/DVD drive has no it inside.

Q: I have already created a collection of MP3 encoders on my HDD including different versions of Lame and Blade encoders (DLLs). How can I select appropriate encoder in the CDRoller shell quickly?
A: Just activate the options dialog box on the Audio Extraction tab in the Preferences for assigned encoder (Lame or Blade) and select appropriate DLL from your collection without program restart.

Q: What versions of Lame and Blade encoders (DLLs) did you utilize when testing the program?
A: CDRoller was tested with Lame's versions 3.66 and 3.81, and Blade's version 0.82.

Q: Can I make a suggestion for a new feature?
A: Sure, new suggestions are always welcome, you can send them to us. All the suggestions will be considered at least and you will probably see them as new program's features in the future releases.

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Q: I think I have found a bug. Where and how can I submit reports about found problems?
A: Please contact us about any problem you've found. Please be sure to check if you are using the latest version of program, problem may already be fixed at that time. When describing your problem, try to include as much information as possible for our programmers to be able to repeat the problem - reproducing the error is the first and most important step to solution. Please include:
- a short description of your computer drive(s).
- name and version of CD/DVD/BD mastering software or standalone device (digital camera, DVD camcorder, standalone recorder) that created this unreadable CD (DVD, BD).
- Windows version you are using now.
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